Prenuptual From Hell

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This country, as you know, is filled with the deranged. And then there's Travis Frey, a 33-year-old Iowa man who is facing charges that he tried to kidnap his own wife (not to mention a separate child pornography rap). Frey, prosecutors contend, apparently is a rather demanding guy. In fact, he actually drew up a bizarre four-page marriage document--a "Contract of Wifely Expectations"--that sought to establish guidelines for his spouse in terms of hygiene, clothing, and sexual activities.

In return for fulfilling certain requirements, Frey offered "Good Behavior Days," or GBDs. Each GBD, Frey wrote, could be redeemed by his wife to "get out of doing the things" he requested daily.

A copy of the proposed contract, which Frey's wife never signed and later provided to cops, can be found below. While we normally point out the highlights of most documents, there are so many in this demented, and very graphic, contract, we really can't do it justice. So set aside ten minutes--and prepare to be repulsed.



Posted by comet on 2006-02-19 22:38:22
This sick, sick man doesn't want a wife; he wants a sex slave that he doesn't have to pay by the hour. It might be different if his wife were equally eager for this arrangement, but then they wouldn't need it in writing, would they?

She would be even sicker if she had signed it, but that doesn't explain why she married this control freak in the first place. And they have (or expect) KIDS?!? At least they'll know where to send the therapy bills once they find their parents' little arrangement on the internet.
Posted by Whatever on 2006-02-21 14:21:42
"Their parents' little arangement"?!? Give me a break. What did she have to do with it? Try "their father's little arrangement."

I doubt very seriously that he was a sicko freak when she married him -- apparently he went around the bend AFTER his children were born. They've been married 9 years, after all, and he didn't try to get her to sign anything until last year. You really should be more careful about blaming the victim; it's not only insensitive, it's dumb.
Posted by comet on 2006-02-23 10:47:33
So you're saying that there were probably no clues when they got married? That this guy went from being a loving, sensitive partner to THIS without warning? I mean, I gave the woman credit for not signing the agreement, but I can't believe that there were no hints in advance.

Besides, I don't know where you're getting this information that they were married for 9 years before he wrote the contract. I looked for such info in the article, and didn't find it. Based on the information available in the article, I stand by my statement. If you read it again, I blamed the man about 90% and the woman maybe 10% for making a poor choice of a mate, balanced by the fact that she didn't sign the contract.

Now, if you want to share with us some source of more complete information, please do. Then we can ALL make our conclusions based on all the information.


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