Church Makes Children Swallow Live Goldfish "For Jesus"

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The First Assembly of God Church has a Fear Factor ministry that had youths swallowing live goldfish. The church's youth minister says it teaches children about fear, but a grandparent questioned it and a pet shop owner called it animal cruelty.

Martin said he had been contacted by one participant's grandmother, who was angry about the activity, which he said was used for the first time last year.

"We resolved the issue, and when I explained what happened and that we were using it to draw kids to Jesus to have a deeper relationship with him, she seemed to simmer down," Martin said.



God watches TV too you know
Posted by Jubal Harshaw on 2005-10-10 16:42:46
Dear lord,
How can we follow you most closely? Is it through mindlessly imitating our pastor/priest/holy dignified realestate agent? Through the ritualization and carrot on a string mentality of these TV gameshows? Through years of seminary school this poor parishiner couldnt even come up with a suitable way to connect with children (lets keep the alter boys out of this). The lord moves in mysterious ways, but Im sure he doesnt approve of children imitating a disgusting Television show in the hopes of collecting money in his house. Were this a hundred or more years ago I would lead the mob to his house torches lit and noose ready. By the way, did anyone catch if he ate one of those delicious little pets?
Posted by angelwings on 2005-10-11 06:30:01
Thats the kind of stuff that makes christains look bad its the people who use things like that. That has nothing to do with God.Not to mention the cruelty of it.Its just gross and nasty.
If they want more people to come to Gods house maybe they should let God back in instead.And teach the word of God like they are supposed to.
God doesn't need bells and whistles,or anything to bring people in.They only have to know God loves them and is there with them. SHame on this preacher.
Probably okay ...
Posted by A Catholic on 2005-10-11 20:35:18
... just so they didn't do this on a Friday.


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