Your Friendly Public School Army Recruiter

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Did you know that the "No Child Left Behind" Act has a sneaky section requiring high schools to turn over student information to military recruiters? What exactly are we not leaving our children behind from, a tour of duty in Iraq? That's fine if that's what you want, but what if you want your kids to follow the example of the president's kids and the congress's kids, and stay out of the military?

According to the Pentagon Public Affairs office (at 703-428-0711), the Joint Advertising and Marketing Research & Studies Office is the organization formed by the Pentagon to oversee the development of a database of 30 million 16-25-year-olds, including name, address, e-mail addresses, cell phone numbers, ethnicity, social security numbers and areas of study. This database is updated daily and distributed monthly to the Armed Services for recruitment purposes. You may "opt out" of this list in writing at the address above, and your child's information will be moved to a "suppression file." The Pentagon retains the information, but does not release it.

This is just another way the current administration is showing your kids how much they care. Use the link below to find out how to "opt out."

How to opt out

Read more about how the Army is recruiting your children and collecting their information.




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