Jeb Bush Wants To Probe Dead Woman Vegetable

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[Beating Dead Horses]
As if the governor of Florida hasn't anything better to do; as if the dead horse that is the Terri Schiavo case doesn't need any more beating, the illustrious Jeb Bush now wants to open an investigation into what caused the collapse into a coma of Terri Schiavo fifteen years ago.

It's bad enough they won't admit they were wrong about Schiavo's mental state, of the overwhelming hypocrisy in their "right to live" policies, but leaving this grieving family in peace seems to be one thing they're not willing to do if it will create yet another distraction or pseudo-controversy for their followers to focus on.

What's the moral of this story? Does it have anything to do with a person's fight for life or rehabilitation? A debate on the value of euthenasia or spousal rights? Nope.

This is all about how, if you embarass or piss off people in power, they will do their best to destroy you. It doesn't matter who's right or wrong. If those in power want to take you down, they'll keep probing until they find something, anything. Expect to see Michael Schiavo under indictment for removing the tag from his mattress.



Posted by FGF on 2005-06-26 16:34:38
The woman died of the fact that she was anerexic and had and heart attack. Family and her ex just want to move on. Jeb just want to double check on everything and these two opinions seem to clash. So alls we can do is take sides. This dibate is a dibate of morals. Both can be taken as doing the right thing, letting it rest or finding the true end. So pick your side not on the facts this time but on what you personally feel is right.
Posted by Demosthenes on 2005-06-27 21:19:36
You should take some grammer lessons bud.
Posted by MySwordsofPiss on 2007-02-22 22:22:46
Why? You're not able to pick up on what the person is trying to say? Or are you that reliant you can't spell check in your head. Not everyone has a grammar college credit that uses the internet, so you have to use basic spelling skills to belittle anyone who has a point? f*cking ignorant moron. You're just like every otgher internet "tough guy/person".


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