Florida Legalizes Gunfighting, Killing

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The NRA has pushed through some new legislation in the state of Florida that's likely to get a lot of insecure, middle-aged white men almost as excited as when they discovered Viagra: Manslaughter with a gun is now legal in Florida! Yes, the new "Meet Force With Force" law, signed by good 'ol boy Jeb Bush, has done away with that wimpy idea that you can't shoot someone dead in a conflict if running away was an option.

The NRA plans to sweep similar laws throughout the South and eventually the entire country.

"If law-abiding citizens are able to protect themselves and have government stand behind them, you will have less violent crime," said Rep. Dennis Baxley, R-Ocala, the sponsor of the bill in the House.

Opponents of the bill warned during debate on the issue that it will lead to a "Wild West" atmosphere in Florida, where gun-toting people in public places will have shootouts because they can. No one will ever back down, opponents argued.

"You are telling people when they are in the midst of an emotional moment ... you can stand your ground until death happens," Rep. Dan Gelber, D-Miami Beach, said during House debate on the bill earlier this month.

The bill says the person has "the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so, to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another."

People already have that right in their home. The bill, which takes effect Oct. 1, extends the right to public spaces, including on the street or in a place of business.

It's not surprising, the dickless politicians in Florida were too afraid of pissing off the NRA to challenge the sanity quotient of this legislation.

Jeb Bush defended the bill by saying, "Under a life threatening situation, you have to retreat and put yourself in a very precarious condition. It defies common sense."

It's a good thing we have Jeb Bush as a standard by which common sense can be judged.



law officer
Posted by I.M. Christian on 2005-04-29 00:14:35
Another liberal slant on a good law to protect your family. Our airports are open. You're welcome to leave. (Iraq's a good deal this time of year).
What a joke!
Posted by Andrew on 2005-04-29 00:57:26
Yes, a GREAT law to protect your family! Be sure to push them behind cover while your running around trying to shoot your 'attacker'. Your airports are open, I can see that the number of arrivals is decreasing and the departure lounge is almost full to the ceiling... America really is becoming a place on the map one points at and laughs. If only it had some common-sense politicians, the world would be a better place.
It's a liberal law
Posted by Booya on 2005-04-29 12:11:17
Actually, this law is a liberal law. It allows you to liberally fill someone with hot lead if you feel threatened by them. Considering how insecure most conservatives are that puts just about the entire population at risk of being shot if their delicate sensibilities are infringed upon.

If you're in a mall and someone attacks you with your family there. Your best bet is to get away. Not pull out a gun and start shooting people. You pull a gun in public to "take a stand" and I see you with a gun as I'm driving by, I'd feel just as threatened by an idiot in public firing a gun, and I might have just as much right to slow down and shoot you a few times.

Laws like this turn Florida into the wild west. How come there doesn't seem to be any commentary from anyone in law enforcement on the effect of this law? Don't you think your average policeman might have some worthwhile opinions on whether or not this will reduce or increase crime and hostilities?
I was just wondering...
Posted by o_o on 2005-05-09 12:59:51
Isn't man slaughter the act of killing someone without the intent? So if someone attacks you and you have no choice but to defend yourself... and you kill them, I see nothing wrong with that. And it's not like it's legal to carry guns around.Nubzies


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