Sharper Image Aborts Lawsuit Against Consumer Reports

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[Faulty Products]
In October 2003, Consumer Reports ran a review of air cleaners and found that the heavily-over-hyped Ionic Breeze was "ineffective." The Sharper Image people countered by creating a new and improved model designed to out-perform similar products and address critics complaints. Really, they did? Of course not. Instead they sued Consumer Reports for libel, and several years later, Sharper Image realizes it can't bully Consumer Reports when it has no case and pays them off to make their lawsuit disappear. Not only do their products seem to be giant paperweights, but they can spit out dangerous levels of ozone gas. Congratulations to Consumer Reports for being one of the last advocacy groups to not take corporate bullying.

BS Quote of the week:

"It is astonishing that Consumers Union would continue its misguided efforts to attack the judgment and experience of millions of Americans who are satisfied with the performance of the Ionic Breeze products," Sharper Image's lawyer E. Robert Wallach said in a statement.




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