Woman Calls 911 Over a Cheeseburger

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In the If-I-didn't-know-some-people-were-really-stupid-I'd-think-this-was-an-April-Fool's-Joke department, comes a California airhead who parks her car in the drive-thru of Burger King, orders a product that is sold by Carl's Jr. and then calls 911 when they won't make her a Western BBQ Burger.

Now I'm beginning to understand where poll results come from.

Transcript. Audio of 911 Call

Operator: "... dept, how can I help you?"
Bitch: "Yeah, I'm over here...I'm over here at Burger King, over here in San Clemente."
O: Mmm-hmm.
B: Um, no, not San Clemente, I'm sorry, um I live in San Clemente, um, Laguna Niguel I think that's where I'm at.
O: Mmm-hmm.
B: I'm at a drive-thru right now.
O: Uh-huh.
B: I ordered my food THREE TIMES, they're mopping the floor inside and I understand they're busy, they've not even busy okay I've been the only car here. I asked them four different times to make me a Western BBQ burger. Okay and she's given me a hamburger with lettuce, tomato, cheese, onions. And I'm not leaving, I want a Western burger because I just got my kids from Tae Kwon Do they're hungry, I'm on my way home and I live in San Clemente.
O: Uh-huh.
B: Okay. She GAVE me another hamburger, it's wrong. I said 4 times, I said I want it, she said 'Can you go park out in front' I said NO, I want my hamburger RIGHT. So then the lady came to the manager or whoever she is and she came up and she said, um, she said um, 'Do you want your money back'. I said no, my kids are hungry and I have to jump on that 12 freeway. I said I am not leaving this spot, and I said I will call the police, because I want my Western hamburger done RIGHT. Now is that so hard?

O: Okay, what exactly is it you want us to do for you?
B: Uh, send an officer down here. I want them to make my order right.
O: Ma'am, we're not going to go down there and escort your Western bacon cheeseburger.
B: *pause* ....What am I supposed to do?
O: This is, this is between you and the manager. We're not going to force how to make a hamburger. That's why, that's not a criminal issue. There's nothing criminal there.
B: So I just stand here. So I just sit here and--
O: You, you need to calmly and rationally speak to the manager and figure out things between you.
B: She DID come up and I said, 'Can I please have my Western burger', she she said 'I'm not dealing with this' and she walked away. Because they're mopping the floor and [blahblahsomething i can't hear] they don't want to rush, they don't want to go through there....
O: Then I suggest you get your money back and go somewhere else. This, this is not a criminal issue. We can't go out there and make them make you a cheeseburger the way you want it.

B: *stunned* Well....that is, that, you're supposed to be here to protect me.
O: Well what are we protecting you from, a wrong cheeseburger?
B: No, it's--
O: Is this a HARMFUL cheeseburger or something? I don't understand what you want us to do.
B: Well--just come down here, I'm not leavin'!
O: No ma'am, I'm not sending the deputies down there over a cheeseburger! You need to go in there and act like an adult, and get your money back, and go home.
B: SHE is not acting like an adult herself! I'm sitting here in my car, I just want them to make my kid a Western burger--
O: Ma'am, here's what I suggest. I suggest you get your money back from the manager, and you go on your way home. Okay?
B: Okay--
O: Bye.


Posted by Anonymous on 2005-04-04 09:13:49
Posted by qwert on 2005-04-13 13:01:09
whats the deal?
Posted by Jerry on 2005-04-14 00:26:42
Whats the deal with hamburgers..there not made of ham.
Sad Very Very Sad
Posted by lmfao on 2005-04-14 19:45:03
this just shows how f*#%ed up americans are! its a chesseburger... fat people
Posted by Chester on 2005-04-15 10:52:43
mr/ms smfao, that was incredibly rude and i want u to apologize and i'm not leavin til u do

Posted by TrishKitti on 2005-04-18 14:41:25
that's just about the stupidist thing i have ever heard....however it proves that fast food is an addictive substance
Posted by Bubba on 2005-04-22 16:08:01
If i was at the..where ever she was i would freak when i want my food i want my food..The police should get off there lazy asses and do something about the hamburger..... Fat people need there food like skinny slim women need there fingers to make themselves puke...
fat people should be made to......
Posted by lmfoa on 2005-04-27 18:29:40
fat people should be made to work tell there skinny and police would be to busy eating donuts to do something about it!!!!!! and Chester i'm not apologizing for that comment so HA
Posted by Rebel_For_Christ007 on 2005-05-19 10:40:16
can u get any more stupid, or what?!
(Directed to Imfoa)
Posted by Rebel_For_Christ007 on 2005-05-19 10:43:32
thats pretty harsh... im fat and i dont do stupid crap like that...
stupid people
Posted by confused on 2005-06-19 11:16:48
What an idiot! That woman was being such a f***ing baby. Don't you just want to hit people like that? Or like...shake them really hard and be like, "Wake up! This is the real world! Tough S**t!! Get over it!!" I really do wonder how the human race is still here and we haven't all killed eavch other over cheeseburgers.
Posted by andrew casey on 2005-06-22 09:29:39
only a fat bastard could do that
shut up you fatty
Posted by lmfao on 2005-08-26 05:47:15
trully that women if that what you could call her was a washed up f*ckhead who should be locked away in a mental instation
Posted by Amused on 2006-01-16 06:33:05
I don't think she's fat, I think she's stupid and spoiled. Always used to getting everything her own way.


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