Administration Repeatedly Ignored Reports of Bin Laden Attack

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Nearly half of the Federal Aviation Administration's daily intelligence reports in the months leading up to the Sept. 11 attacks mentioned Osama bin Laden's terrorist network, according to newly released documents that the Bush administration has been trying to keep secret.



I f*ucked up
Posted by Bill Clinton on 2005-02-14 14:46:29
Out of fairness, something this web-site knows nothing about, I have to admit I blew it big time, like Monica blew me, in letting Osama get away, not once , not twice but three f&cking times.

I would have went after him harder, but I was way too busy trading military technology with China for campaign contributions, pardoning felons in exchange for contributions for my Presidential Lie-bray, letting the North Koreans development nuclear weapons...and most importantly GIVING HOT GOOY PEARL NECKLESSES to butt ass ugly fat interns
Posted by turk_182 on 2005-02-18 00:57:22
If you know someone is going to kill someone and you do nothing to stop it, doesn't that make you equally guilty? What if you or your associates stand to pofit by this murder? What if it's your duty to protect this person? What if when called to testify you refuse to do so under oath and only in secret with no transcript or record of what was said? I don't think you are Ignorant I think you are evil.
Get a life Turk_182
Posted by Bill Clinton on 2005-02-18 10:07:32
Evil, moi, I think not.

How about the fact that I, Bill Clinton, dissimiated our intelligents capabilities in the field during my two terms?

Or how about the fact that I cut the armed forces from 18 division to 10 during my adminstration.

How about the fact that Jamie Gorelick, who worked for me during my adminstration, authored the law which didn't allow the CIA and FBI share intelligences information, thus hampering our abilities to catch these bastards.

How about the lunancy of allowing her to be a member of the 9/11 Commission, which is kinda like having Libya chairing the UN's Human Rights Commission.

Drop the glass of Kool-Aide, put down the bong and open your eyes Turk. My adminstration is as much, if not more responsible for 9/11.

Have so much more to say, but I have a young woman in my office who I need to interview for a open intern position at my Lie-brary. I hope she has strong 'oral" communciation skills! As a matter of fact, she is so hot I might try her out in a couple positions. I do have a need for a cigar humidor.

William Jefferson Clinton
2985 lives Mr. Clinton
Posted by turk_182 on 2005-02-22 01:32:20
My comment was on the news. You should try a chat room. Follow the money trail it points to Texas, Big Oil, and the Military Industrial Complex. How is it that they found Mohamed Atha's Passport on the street but couldn't find the flight recorders. Something stinks.


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