UC Berkley study: electronic voting machines chose Bush

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A UC Berkley study, The effect of electronic voting machines on change for support for Bush in Florida 2000-2004 claims with 90% accuracy that electronic voting resulted in disproporationate votes for Bush that are in defiance of historical records or voting patterns. The study seems to show clear cases of excess votes being tabulated for Bush.


Posted by Anonymous on 2005-01-01 17:12:16
Look Bush won stop trying to get around it.Stop trying to call him a cheater just because you lost. Get over it. Guess who called the recount four years ago, Gore. Just causs the newspapers got it wrong four years ago doesn't mean you have to be pissed at Bush forever. Ever since four years ago democrats have been calling him a cheater and lyer. Bush won fair and square, get over it, you know a lot of democrats left to become Rebublicans because the democrats woudn't lose gracefully. GET OVER IT.
Posted by Demosthenes on 2005-01-08 22:52:03
Bush won this election because America is stupid, last election he cheated.
Blah blah blah
Posted by Anonymous on 2005-01-31 21:46:05
Hey "realize", how many comments have you posted saying the exact same thing? Have you bothered to read up on the topic, or are you just another brainwashed drone? Of course you will say you have, but you haven't. Questions and debate are what democracy is about. "GET OVER IT" is Orwellian and creepy and mindless. Demosthenes has it half right. Bush won because America is stupid AND he cheated. Actually, in typical Bush fasion(ism), he had others cheat FOR him.


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