Ex-Gays Tell Cheneys it's a choice

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Remember how upset Lynne and Dick Cheney got when Kerry mentioned their daughter's being a lesbian?

How upset do you think they will be by this open letter to them, mentioning it again, and offering them the advice that Mary can be cured?

Some tidbits from their letter:

Sen. Kerry deliberately misled the American public as well as people who have unwanted same-sex attractions when he stated that people are “born gay.” He should know better.

On May 13, 2004, PFOX and ex-gay men and women met with the staffs of Sens. Kerry and Edwards....Ex-gays explained that although no one chooses same-sex attractions, many men and women overcome unwanted same-sex attractions every year....

Happiness requires hope, and real hope is the knowledge that many men and women overcome unwanted same-sex attractions every year, even those who believed at one time that they were born that way and had no choice.

Mr. and Mrs. Cheney, let me conclude by saying that I hope you'll sit down with PFOX some day and find kindred souls and new hope that you might not have known existed.


Posted by Clare on 2004-10-27 10:21:13
In comment to the Cheney daughter article I have but one thing to say. If you're going to share your sexual orientation publicly, you are allowing the doors of your private life to blow open. Any old yahoo can come along and make ascertations on who you are as a person.

There's a reason why the word private is in "private life".

Frankly, I dislike when gays come out publicy. Who cares what is done in the bedroom? Keep it to yourself, please!


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