Zombies Sue For False Arrest & Abuse

Posted by Pile (8527 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to del.icio.us Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

Seven people shuffled forward Wednesday to serve the city of Minneapolis and Hennepin County with a lawsuit for violating their rights, abusing them, and discriminating against them.

In late July, the "zombies" — six young adults and a juvenile in heavy ghoulish makeup — were arrested for "simulating weapons of mass destruction," a post-Sept. 11 felony, during a dance party near Minneapolis' entertainment district.

Minneapolis-based attorney Jordan Kushner, representing the zombies, said his clients were mostly dancing to music but may have occasionally uttered a political statement.

"The manner (of the event) in this case was the message," Kushner said. "It was an anti-commercial message, and, of course, the purpose of downtown is to focus on commercialism."

The adult zombies were held in Hennepin County Jail for two days before police and city attorneys said there was not enough evidence to charge them.

Still, a statement released by the city in August defended the arrests, saying the zombies' presence made police worry about the safety of nearby pedestrians. Plus, some of the zombies wouldn't say who they were and wouldn't cooperate with police.

The lawsuit alleges one of the officers heatedly swore he didn't care about the zombies' constitutional rights and that he was going to teach the undead a lesson. The suit also says the zombies were forced to lurch around in the back of a police van because of willfully sudden stops and starts by a police driver, and that one of the zombies' prosthetic leg was taken away while in jail, forcing the zombie to use a wheelchair. None of the zombies required medical attention, Kushner said.

City officials did not immediately return a call for comment Wednesday.



Fight the power!
Posted by wizeGurl on 2006-11-25 00:20:18
We all know that The Man wants to keep the zombies down....


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