Viva La Revoluccion! Viva Game Boy!

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A recent congressional audit has found that millions of dollars given to U.S.-based groups meant to promote democracy in Cuba has gone to purchase Game Boys, Godiva chocolates, cashmere sweaters, and other luxury goods for the poor islanders. So not only do they have better freakin' healthcare than we have access to, they also have cooler stuff than I can afford. Life is simply not fair.

All of the items did at least go to Cuba, according to USAid (the primary funder of these democracy-promoting programs) although the U.S. government has accused the Cuban government of seizing many of the shipments. Defending the use of taxpayer dollars to purchase Godiva chocolates, Juan Carlos Acosta, executive director of Miami-based Accion Democratica Cubana, said, "these people are going hungry. They never get any chocolate there." Heaven forfend they don't get their truffles. Perhaps more hilariously, Mr. Acosta justified the purchase of cashmere sweaters and leather jackets as they were "on sale" and that, "They [the auditors] think it’s not cold there. At $30 it’s a bargain because cashmere is expensive. They were asking for sweaters.”




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