Anyone's Phone Records? Only $89.95. Act Now!

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To prove that people's private phone records are available to anyone with a few bucks and an ounce of initiative, Americablog purchased the phone records for 100 calls for General Wesley Clark, former presidential candidate. They didn't need his permission; they only needed $89.95. Are your phone records as easy to get?

from Americablog: "All we needed was General Clark's cell phone number and our credit card, and 24 hours later we had one hundred calls the general made on his cell phone in November. The calls included a number of calls to Arkansas, to foreign countries, and at least one call to a prominent reporter at the Washington Post. To ensure that we actually had General Clark's correct cell phone number, we called the number this morning and the voice mail recording that answered said:

"Hi, this is Wes Clark, leave a message [unintelligible]."

We have subsequently called that number and spoken to a real person to confirm its authenticity, and to make sure General Clark was aware of this issue and what we were doing.

The only question now remaining is why President Bush, our leaders in Congress, and our wireless phone companies (at the very least T-Mobile and Cingular, whose customers' records are available online to anyone) have known about this problem for at least six months but have yet to fix it."

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