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Gannongate: New Media Refuses To Let Story Be Marginalized

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On HBO's Real Time (click read more for video clip) Senator Joe Biden claims the mainstream media is ignoring the serious implications of the Jeff Gannon (aka James Guckert) news story and keeping it from the people. In the meantime, the independent media who do have influence in small areas of the market are not letting go of this story until the mainstream media gives it the attention it deserves. Read more to see what Bill Maher thinks would have happened if this situation unfolded under any democratic administration.

Update: While American MSM is still ignoring the story, British press are all over it: "White House's loyal reporter once worked as gay hooker."

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T-Mobile's servers/subscribers compromised for more than a year

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UPDATE: More than a year later, it appears T-Mobile still has serious security problems.

A sophisticated computer hacker had access to servers at wireless giant T-Mobile for at least a year, which he used to monitor U.S. Secret Service e-mail, obtain customers' passwords and Social Security numbers, and download candid photos taken by Sidekick users. The hacker had access to T-Mobile's 16+ million customers' information and was involved in efforts to sell the information online. T-Mobile has been backpedaling on details over the security breach.

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Tobacco Companies Score Big As News Media Looks Other Way

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The tobacco industry won a big victory Friday when the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ruled in its favor, against the U.S. Justice Department. The court's ruling means that the Justice Department cannot force the industry to disgorge $280 billion in past profits, even if it wins its fraud and racketeering case against the cigarette makers.

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Media lights "bloggergate" smoke bomb over Bush media payoff

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We broke the story here about conserva-pundit Armstrong Williams' humongeous payola received from the Bush administration for promoting his "No Child Left Behind" scheme, and how the whole operation, funded with taxpayer money was kept quiet originally. Well, the "liberal media" has countered with a story about how the Dean campaign paid a few thousand bucks to a few bloggers online as if that's a tit-for-tat nullification for the dishonorable acts on the part of the administration. Many prominent cyber-pundits have pointed out this is totally a non-issue and far from comparable and that, unlike in the Armstrong Williams debacle, such endorsements were disclosed and not funded with taxpayer money. Nonetheless, mainstream media is launching this big steaming pile as a smokescreen over the much more grevious, unethical acts on the part of the Administration.

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More Mad Cows: It's What's For Dinner

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Canadian officials Tuesday confirmed the discovery of a new case of mad cow disease in a Charolais beef cow from the province of Alberta.

It also comes as the United States considers reopening its border to Canadian cattle. Imports were stopped in May 2003 after the discovery of Canada's first case of mad cow.

Why do they get this disease? Don't ask what these cows are fed. You don't want to know what's in your burgers, and thanks to the U.S. Media(tm), you probably never will.

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Newsflash: Mainstream Media Sucks

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The "most important media story of the year," according to Steve Lovelady, managing editor of, was "the way in which the press was so easily manipulated by spin machines all the way through the election campaign, partly thanks to the fact that it was hopelessly hobbled by some of its own outdated conventions and frameworks. And that, in turn, is related to its embarrassing performance in 2003 on weapons of mass destruction and on the question of an Iraqi tie to 9/11."

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2004 Falsies Awards

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This year marks the beginning of a new tradition for the Center for Media and Democracy. To remember the people and players responsible for polluting our information environment, they are issuing a new year-end prize that they call the "Falsies Awards." The top ten finalists will each receive a million bucks worth of free coupons, a lifetime supply of non-fattening ice cream, an expenses-paid vacation in Fallujah, and our promise to respect them in the morning.

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Washington Post accuses Bush administration of war crimes

Posted by RantMaster (6126 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

The Washington Post blows the lid off the recent expose of torture activities in Iraq: The Bush administration refused to release these records to the human rights groups under the Freedom of Information Act until it was ordered to do so by a judge. Now it has responded to their publication with bland promises by spokesmen that any wrongdoing will be investigated. The record of the past few months suggests that the administration will neither hold any senior official accountable nor change the policies that have produced this shameful record.

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Inauguration to be rife with protests

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Groups targeting President Bush's economic agenda, the legitimacy of his election and the war in Iraq plan a week of events to counter his inauguration Jan. 20.

"Our intention is to show President Bush and the world our movement is energized, mobilized and determined to fight back," said Gael Murphy, of the activist group Code Pink.

Inauguration week will feature rallies, marches and demonstrations with the focus on peaceful, family-friendly gatherings, none of which you'll probably see on network television news.

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Did the US use napalm in Iraq?

Posted by wizeGurl (6910 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

The British are upset because it seems that the U.S. may have used napalm in Fallujah.
"And last night Tony Blair was dragged into the row as furious Labour MPs demanded he face the Commons over it. Reports claim that innocent civilians have died in napalm attacks, which turn victims into human fireballs as the gel bonds flames to flesh."

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Flashback to the war on Terror^W^W Drugs

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With this decade's metaphorical war, it seems only fitting to take a look back at the toll the last Republican-motivated war on abstractions took place: The War on Drugs, and see if we won.

In Washington, D.C., a 27-year old quadriplegic is sentenced to ten days in jail for marijuana possession, where he dies under suspicious circumstances. In Florida, a wheelchair-bound multiple sclerosis patient now serves a 25-year prison sentence for using an out-of-state doctor to obtain pain medication. And in Palestine, Texas, prosecutors arrest 72 people -- all of them black -- and charge them with distributing crack cocaine. The scene bears a remarkable resemblance to a similar mass, mostly-black drug bust in nearby Tulia five years ago.

These examples aren't exceptional. They're typical. America's drug war marches on, impervious to efficacy, justice, or absurdity. Drug prohibition was nowhere to be found in Election 2004. There was no mention of it in the debates, the conventions, or the endless cable news campaign coverage.

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CBS and NBC reject church's "you're welcome here" commercial

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The CBS and NBC television networks are refusing to run a 30-second television ad from the United Church of Christ because its all-inclusive welcome has been deemed "too controversial."

Apparently the major networks feel that any church that invites all people to worship their diety is way too controversial. Perhaps if each person was carrying a Pepsi and a Big Mac, things might be different?

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Guinea Pig Kids

Posted by wizeGurl (5904 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

Which is more awful...that foster children in NYC are being used as guinea pigs for experimental AIDS drugs with horrible side-effects, or that the only one looking at the story is the BBC?

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UC Berkley study: electronic voting machines chose Bush

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A UC Berkley study, The effect of electronic voting machines on change for support for Bush in Florida 2000-2004 claims with 90% accuracy that electronic voting resulted in disproporationate votes for Bush that are in defiance of historical records or voting patterns. The study seems to show clear cases of excess votes being tabulated for Bush.

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CNN censors/spins Bin Laden video

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It seems that the story of the Bin Laden video and transcription that CNN reported is an incomplete version that was suspiciously altered from its original version. The comprehensive analysis can found at A Tale of Two Osamas with more comments here.

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Bush Relatives for Kerry

Posted by spyder (8398 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

[Pubic Relations]
"Bush Relatives for Kerry" grew out of a series of conversations that took place between a group of people that have two things in common: they are all related to George Walker Bush, and they are all voting for John Kerry. As the election approaches, we feel it is our responsibility to speak out about why we are voting for John Kerry, and to do our small part to help America heal from the sickness it has suffered since George Bush was appointed President in 2000. We invite you to read our stories, and please, don't vote for our cousin!

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Entire US Platoon arrested in Iraq

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A 17-member Army Reserve platoon with troops from Jackson and around the Southeast deployed to Iraq is under arrest for refusing a "suicide mission" to deliver fuel, the troops' relatives said Thursday.

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