Hair Replacement Company Left Exposed

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[Faulty Products]
Victory in the courts today for anyone who wants to use the Internet to call attention to companies they think have dubious business practices. Bosley Medical Institute in Seattle sued former client Michael Kremer after he created a Web site in 2000 in a "bald-faced effort to get even" with the company, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said.

The unhappy client snapped up and turned it into a complaint site. The company did what all companies seem to do when they can't seem to take care of their customers: they sued. But in this case, they lost.

However, the owner of the critical web site made a fatal blunder and offered to sell the site to Bosley which makes him vulnerable to anti-cyber-squatting laws.

But apparently, according to reports, losing the web site is likely nowhere near as painful as getting one of these hair transplants.





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