Bush Bans Divorcee, Royal Family, From White House

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UK's Mirror has reported that George Bush has banned Camilla Parker Bowles from the White House - because she is a divorcee. The unprecedented snub has effectively sabotaged Charles's plan to take his bride on a Royal tour of America later this year. The trip would have been the pair's first official tour as a married couple. But the US President - a notoriously right-wing Christian and reformed alcoholic - told aides it was "inappropriate" for him to be playing host to the newly-weds, who are both divorcees. The decision was made even though the late President Ronald Reagan was divorced.


I call B.S. on this
Posted by The Truth on 2005-02-25 07:43:28
UK's Mirror, isn't that England's version of the National Enquirer or worse, the New York Times?

All three are more B.S. filled then a 5000 acre cattle ranch?

I thought y'all had higher standards.
This website sucks
Posted by This website sucks on 2005-02-25 10:21:02
As above
I repeat this website sucks
Posted by This website sucks on 2005-02-25 10:23:14
I will never visit this sucky website again


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