Government preparing plans to draft medical personnel

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There are various reports that Selective Service is updating contingency plans for draft of doctors, nurses and other health care workers in case of national emergency that overwhelms military's medical corps.

Due to shortages, the military is reportedly aggressively soliciting medical people, even prior to their completion of school, to sign up for the reserves. The pitch entices young doctors to sign up, where they may serve in Texas, Germany, Washington D.C. or *wink wink* various locations. Now why can't they just come out and say, "Dude, you're going to Iraq!" Why be misleading?

In confidential report, outside contractor Widmeyer Communications describes how draft might work, how to secure compliance and how to mold public opinion and communicate with health care professionals whose lives would be disrupted; report calls for establishing limited, discreet contacts in advance with various providers and hospitals.




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