Bush: No Child Left Behind.. when the draft comes

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There's been much discussion on whether or not there will be a need for a draft in the wake of the Iraq invasion. President Bush says there will be no draft. However, one thing most American people don't know is that Bush's No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 contains an overlooked amendment to the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, requiring public high schools to turn over students' names, addresses and telephone numbers to military recruiters. There's no dodging selective service these days.

Under Section 9528 of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), the military is now granted access to the names, addresses and phone numbers of high school students so they can be recruited for service. Schools that fail to provide this information face a cutoff of federal dollars. The provision, buried deeply in the 1,100 pages of the federal law, overturned schools' strict privacy policies, which in the past withheld students' personal information from even college recruiters. NCLB requires schools to allow military recruiters physical access to school facilities.

People are arguably upset about this.




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