Soldier attacked at concert by fans testing the limits of irony

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19-year old Foster Barton of Ohio, a decorated veteran was in town attending a Toby Keith concert when he was attacked and beaten by other concertgoers. He claims his t-shirt which said "Iraqi Freedom" may have incited the crowd of trailer park intellectuals who normally attend such cerebral Toby Keith performances. More rich irony goodness. Then again, if you ask me, anyone who actually pays to see Toby Keith deserves a beating.


Toby Keith
Posted by Anonymous on 2004-09-26 22:53:40
Toby Keith is a great singer. Shame on you for saying anyone who listens to Toby Keith deserves a beating. I say anyone who makes that comment deserves a beating.
Posted by Pile on 2004-10-02 00:17:00
You're entitled to your own opinion.

I still think Toby Keith is a whore, exploiting the 9/11 attack to sell records and concert tickets.

Is it just me, or who the hell heard of Toby Keith until he started wrapping himself up in the flag and singing songs about the nobility of killing people in the name of 9/11? Do you really think that's honorable? Is this guy donating the tons of bucks he's making to help the victims? Is he volunteering to go to Iraq and help "liberate" the Iraqi people? Or is he travelling around the country, making big bucks, pandering to angry white people who want to kick somebody's ass, but aren't really willing to make any personal sacrifices to prove they really would stand up for what they believe?

How heroic is it to tount the politically correct party line and profit from it without much liability?


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