David Vitter twitters on 'socialist' England!

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"David Vitter says his conservative views didn't really take hold until he left the United States in the mid-80s," according to a front page article in today's Times Picayune, New Orleans' daily newspaper.

Vitter is the Republican candidate to replace retiring US Senator, John Breaux in Louisiana.

And the foreign horrors which turned Vitter into the hard-boiled conservative he is today?....

According to the Times Picayune...

"Vitter said he saw firsthand the economic problems England was enduring because of its "socialist policies" and emphasis on big government.

"A visit with a couple of buddies to a miners union meeting where a Labor Party leader addressed the crowd as 'comrades' solidified the philosophy that has marked Vitter's two terms in the state House of Representatives and three terms in Congress."

'Comrade!!?' Eeek, the horror!

And on such significant moments are the minds of the great and good formed...

Vitter may be 'Driven to get results' if the Times Picayune article by staff writer Bruce Alpert is to be believed...


Observant, and insightful, he AIN'T!

Philosophy of the Arse!

If Vitter thinks that 'socialist England' currently run by Tony Blair's social democratic-leaning Labour Party is no example for Louisiana he has been looking up his own arse for answers!

The Marxist horrors of Socialist England that Vitter needs to defend Louisiana from...

Fewer people are murdered in gun crimes in the whole of the UK (England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland (population 60 million) every year, than are murdered in the metropolitan area of New Orleans alone.

Unlike Louisiana, or the USA, for that matter, the schools work, health care is free and in my experience better than in the US. Assuming you can even get health insurance in the US.

The standard of living in England is considerably higher and the crime rate considerably lower than in Louisiana.

Believe me, I've lived in both places.

I could go on...

Is there any scintilla of doubt in Vitter's smug brain that there might just be at least one thing that the US could learn from the dark lands of 'Old Europe'?

If Vitter's intellectual insights are the best this state has to offer, God help Louisiana and God help the USA!

Modified by Psychocktail on 2004/09/23 13:41
Modified by Psychocktail on 2004/09/23 13:44




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