When All Else Fails, Blame A Mythological Creature

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A man with five drunken-driving convictions (who STILL HAD his license--thank YOU six-strikes-and-you're-out law) was involved in a crash in Billings, Montana on March 7. When brought in by police, the man did what any sensible, sober, thoughtful person would. He blamed the crash on a unicorn.

Phillip C. Holliday, Jr. (I'm sorry, the UNICORN) drove through a red light, made an erratic U-turn through a gas station, crossed the street, and ran right into a light pole. (Evidently, the mythical and peaceful beast was making way for a funeral procession of dragons, mer-people, Atlanteans, and werewolves.) The bail for the inventive moron was set at $100,000--Holliday's calls to the Tooth Fairy for some help with bail have so far gone unanswered.

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