Merchandisers exploit 9/11 as commemorative coin

Posted by RantMaster (6130 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

The US Mint is warning consumers to not fall prey to a stupid scam by some rather materialistic scumballs who are seeking to exploit the WTC attacks with a pseudo-commemorative "silver dollar" which actually isn't U.S. tender, nor a "US Government"-issued piece. Since the US doesn't seem that concerned these days with cracking down on misleading advertising, hapless morons all over the country will spend fifty bucks for these pieces of crap thinking they're actually worth something.

What's even more insulting is my 6-year-old could create a better-quality image. The bogus "freedom tower" which doesn't exist; the cheesy starburst imagery on the coin are hokey to the nth degree.

The only thing more disgusting than these coins are the morons who might actually buy them.




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