Letters To God Returned To Sender

Posted by ueberbill (4753 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to del.icio.us Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

A New Jersey man waded out into the Atlantic to retrieve a sealed plastic bag while fishing. Inside the bag he found hundreds of letters to God. Bill Lacovara attempted to put the letters up on eBay to allegedly donate the money to charity but took them off the site after "religious fanatics" (his words) were angered by the move. Equally angered was God's PostAngel General who is going to get an unholy reaming for this one.

He also didn't seem to think anything was wrong with READING the personal letters, which include a woman asking forgiveness for an abortion and a prisoner who swore his innocence. Mr. Lacovara is considering donating the letters to a church. The letters were addressed to a deceased Baptist minister and may have been a result of someone dumping them after cleaning his house. Ah, the mysteries of the divine.



Title misleading...
Posted by Joe Bleaux on 2006-11-13 09:25:44
Your title was misguided almost as much as your apparent disdain for God.


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