Bin Laden capture imminent?

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Remember Osama? That dude to attacked the World Trade Center? Well, you never heard his name at the RNC, but he's in the news again.

Yet another spate of non-news stories are floating around about how any second now, Bin Laden and all his lieutenants are going to be captured. Not unlike any moment now the Iraqi WMDs were going to turn up.

In a related story, please send me a $1000. If you do, at some point in the future, you'll get $10000 back. Trust me.

But wait, it gets better, the "official" who is making this claim has been quoted saying fun stuff like this:

We have such a like-minded ally in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It is clear that the Saudi government “gets it” when it comes to terrorism.
- Joseph Cofer Black




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