PATH: BS | Society | Mean People

Online Gamer Murdered Over Theft of Virtual Sword

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[Mean People]
You know you're taking gaming too seriously when you go out and stab someone because they snatched a sword from your fictional role-playing-game character, but that's exactly what happened in China.

Qiu Chengwei stabbed Zhu Caoyuan in the chest when he found out he had sold his virtual sword for 7,200 Yuan (~ $700).

The sword, which Mr Qiu had lent to Mr Zhu, was won in the popular online game Legend of Mir 3. Qiu was convicted and sentenced to life in prison in China. I guess Zhu didn't have time to buff before the melee started.

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PETA Exposes Cruelty at Drug Company

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[Mean People]
While most Americans' view of PETA seems to involve bored supermodels whining about mink coats, the organization has continued to address far more important issues than the mainstream media wants to call attention to.

Recently, an undercover PETA investigator worked as a technician inside a Vienna, Virginia laboratory, owned by Covance, a billion-dollar Princeton-based company. She videotaped workers who were striking, choking, taunting, and deliberately tormenting terrified monkeys. She documented small monkeys, choking, gagging and suffering from daily bloody noses after having large tubes forced up their nostrils and down into their stomachs. Other monkeys had developed painful protrusions of the intestines through the rectum resulting from constant stress and diarrhea, and monkeys with broken arms and other severe injuries were denied proper veterinary treatment. Sadly, many animals in desperate need of euthanasia were kept alive and in agony just to please drug companies.

PETA has filed a 272-page complaint with the U.S. Department of Agriculture that asks for the Vienna laboratory to be shut down until a thorough investigation can be conducted.

There's a controversial video of the mistreatment of these animals that the Covance company is deperately trying to bury.

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How Aggressive Are You? Talk to the Hand!

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[Dubious Research]
[Mean People]
According to Canadian scientists, the length of a man's finger in proportion to other fingers is an indicator of his aggressive tendency. Personally, I think the extent to which a certain finger is prominently displayed may also indicate this. Now where's MY grant? I'll be happy to demonstrate my research.

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Democrats as victims?

Posted by Pile (7382 views) Add this story to MyYahoo Add this article to Submit article to Reddit Add story to Furl Add story to StumbleUpon [E-Mail link]

[Mean People]
Mel Gilles, who has worked for many years as an advocate for victims of domestic abuse, draws some parallels between her work and the reaction of many Democrats to the election.

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